Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Papa D's pie

Hey Pushkin & Ripley! So great to meet you Pushkin! Sounds like you have lots of fun there in Brisbane. Even though Ripley is a boy, he is really into make-up and jewellery too, so you'll be able to chat to him lots about the latest trends and best blush brushes to use.

Things are good over here - actually mum is painting a lot at the moment and so she hasn't been taking me out for many walks...

....but I go for lots of walks with Mama Trish and Paddy so thats good. Sometimes they leave very early in the morning and the slack-ass's I live with often aren't up in time so I have to yell to wake them up. Papa Damo is good - he cooked a super looking pie today but wouldn't give me any which made me sad, but then I looked over at Mama Tors and knew that even though I couldn't have any pie, everything would be alright cause she is more fun that ten pies.

Oops - gotta fly - Papa D is out and his ugg boots are sitting by the door and need to be chewed.

Hugs, Oscar xxxx

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