Sunday, December 13, 2009


But only for a few seconds.....thank goodness!!
I went out for a walk with my Puppup and baby bro, and my Puppup couldnt find me. Panic set in for a few seconds but I was found. You see it was a bit chilly so I walked into the pharmacy with the magic sliding doors. But then once I was inside I couldnt get out!!
Luckily my Puppup saw me and came and opened the magic sliding doors to let me out. Phew.
All good, back at home snuggling with Mamam now.
Crisis over.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My New Hat..

Hi Ripley! I loved your Paris photos! Speaking of traveling, my ma recently went to Venice and she bought me back a great hat - I love to wear it all the time - it's going to come in very handy this summer I think...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Paris & Me

Here I am sitting in the TGV on my way to Paris admiring the lovely French scenery.
Here I am very comfortably looking after bags filled with presents for ME!! Thats my Grandma in the red jacket pushing me along.

As an Aussie Poodle Ive been lucky enough to see quite a bit of the world by living here in France. A few months ago Grandma came to visit us in France. Me and Maman went up to Paris to pick her up from the airport. We had to take the TGV which is a supa fast train, I of course sat on Mamans lap all the way, none of this business putting me in a unfriendly cage locked away in the baggage section. The thing I like about France is that it is wonderful how I am allowed to travel in trains and stay in hotels with my human family, quite different from Australia. Mamam would never be happy with anything less as I am her baby and she loves me so much!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Back in Business!

Dear Friends!!
Im back, yes have been away for a while, but still always checkin out my fellow friends blogs to keep me entertained. You see, my Mamam was sick for a while, she had to go to hospital for a long time and left me in charge. But she is all good now and happy to be back helpin me out to post my latest adventures on this blog!
Well, the other weekend me, Mamam, Papa, Baby Bro and my Grandma (who is all the way over here from Australia) went to swim in the beautiful waters of St Gulliham Desert, which is a beautiful little French town near our home. The water was so clear and fresh! Much nicer than a beach as I dont like waves...they scare me!!
Mamam packed me a picnic lunch and we played fetch all day!! It was so much fun!!
Lots of love from Ripley

Monday, April 6, 2009

A sunny spring thought..........

Here I am sitting in the first rays sunshine of spring, am thinking kind and happy thoughs of a very special Poodle who is looking down at us from Poodle Heaven. She will be sorely missed even though I never got to meet her. I will miss your pretty dresses and pictures Daisy.
Big hugs from Ripley

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hi Ripley!

Hope you had a fun weekend - we did - it was hot so we played in the pool. It was such fun - we like to fetch things from the water - Paddy gets great height when he jumps but I have more of a 'running in the air' kinda style..

Here are some pics!
Loce Oscar xxoo

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fun with Ribbons!!

Hey Ripper!

Today there was tons of ribbon kicking around the house and so Paddy and I had a ball rolling around playing with it!

Hope you are well and staying out of the cold! It's been raining here for a few days now, so mum and dad have been trying to entertain us indoors, but we can only watch Finding Nemo so many times you know?

What can ya do.

Love Oscar! xxoo

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mamam's Little Helper

Hey look at me, I have such important duties these days.....I am officially baby bro Barkley's personal security guard. Sleeping on duty? - No way, I always have one eye open!
Such a big help I am to Maman, what would she do without me.
Gosh I am so looking forward to the Summer, when will the winter end!
Lots of hugs to everyone,

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Winter Blues

Hey Oscar, Paddy and Friends,
I gotta tell ya that I am struggling with the Winter temperatures!! I cant wait for the Summer. Im just not a cold weather kinda guy, you cant go for walks, cant run in the wet grass and worst is that Mamam wont open the windows meaning I cant bark at people walking by!
I do like sitting in front of the fireplace after a milk bath, and cuddles with Mamam though!